Monday 10 June 2013

punkPunk! submission guidelines

I'm pleased to announce I'm going to be editing an anthology of punk-inspired stories to be published by DogHorn Publishing. Guidelines here:

For those of us of a certain generation, punk was a defining force for a DIY-attitude that revolutionized music and empowered youngsters with self-belief and a determination for change that became a major cultural UK phenomenon. Punk encapsulated youthful rebellion and embraced a variety of anti-authoritarian ideologies, and whilst musically the punk revolution took place within a very short time span, its influence continues to permeate modern day culture, from music to other art forms to an identifiable way of life.

The term ‘punk’ in fiction has been tagged in genres such as cyberpunk and steampunk, with William Gibson first coining the ‘cyberpunk’ term in an early short story. But this anthology’s focus will not be with those genres. We are looking for genuine punk: punkPunk! We are looking for punk stories that embrace the spirit of 1976 and directly reference it: the bottom line is that punk must have influenced the story itself. The genre your story is written in will be our second consideration. However, please don’t feel restricted to write about the UK summer of ’76 and nothing else. We will also consider stories inspired by the American punk scene, and are open to music influenced by the punk subgenre, including post-punk, hardcore, Oi!, anarcho-punk, and pop-punk. And we are interested in how the catalyst of punk might have influenced your characters up to the present day: how their lives have been shaped – both positively and negatively – by the music.

Finally, please be aware that song lyrics are subject to complex copyright law. If you do use song lyrics within your story then we expect you to have cleared copyright use with the original source. We will not be held responsible for any copyright infringement by an author.

1) Stories must be at least 1000 words, with a maximum of 5000 words (query for longer).
2) Stories must be submitted as a .doc file to
3) Stories must be laid out in standard manuscript format – please follow the guide at
4) Violence, swearing and sexual content are acceptable, PROVIDED THEY FIT THE CONTEXT OF THE STORY. Anything gratuitous, or featured simply for shock value, will be deemed unsuitable for publication.
5) If your story also has strong SF/F/H genre elements, please be aware these will have to be used in an original way to be deemed worthy of publication. Satanic elements in rock music are best avoided.
8) Submissions will open from 1st July 2013 and will close on 31st December 2013. Stories sent after this time will not receive a reply.
9) Please note that a reply may take 4-6 weeks. If you have not heard within this time, please query.
10) Reprints will be considered – please query with the editor at Multiple submissions will not be considered – please send in your best work!
11) Accepted authors will receive two complimentary copies of the anthology. Unfortunately we are unable to pay for stories accepted.
12) Please send any additional queries to Andrew Hook at


  1. Would very much like to apply for this - however, would I need to seek permission from rights-holders if I used just part of one lyric line as my title - "People See The Same Way"?

  2. Hi Ken - many apologies, I've only just seen this comment. A lyric line as a title would be fine. Technically the book is now closed to submissions, but considering I'm responding late if you see this message and can get the story to me within a week I'll take a look. Contact me at
